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in Kerala

New enterprises moving to Infopark even amidst covid

Date : 15/02/2021

With new enterprises moving to Infopark even amidst covid, there has never been a better time to explore opportunities! We welcome Zellis HR India Pvt.Ltd. to Athulya Building, Infopark Phase 1. As part of expansions, Zellis HR India has taken 46813 sq. ft floor space at the 6th floor of Athulya Buidling Complex and will be generating employment opportunities for 600 professionals in the coming years. Mr.Arun Rajeevan, Manager - Marketing of Infopark handed over the facility to Mr.George Kurian, Executive Director - India of Zellis, Mr.Bennichan K Thomas, Assistant Director, Ms.Anju, HR Head of Zellis, Mr.Sajith N G, Officer - Administration Infopark were present. We wish to share the growth opportunities available within Infopark and Kerala, as well as we take this opportunity to wish Zellis HR India Pvt. Ltd. the best!