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IT Destination

The Premium
It Infrastructure
in Kerala

Company Profile

Trafoss Pvt.Ltd

No.29, 4th Floor, Thapasya Building, TBC, Infopark


TRAFOSS, a technology-driven solutions provider operating under SaaS business model, committed to quality, and customer satisfaction with “No Loss No Gain” reconciliation approach. With a strong focus on Regulatory Compliance standards, our solution delivers excellence to clients. A Team of dedicated professionals who are experts in their respective fields, ensuring that we can consistently meet the expectations of our clients. We take pride in our PCI DSS ver4.0 certified product OneSET®.
TRAFOSS expertise from the Issuance of Cards to Settlements of Transactions with respect to transactions processors and originators. We assure Settlements of Digital transactions happened, Disputes handled, Fraud and Risk mitigated and Income/Expenditure identified for each Digital Transactions happened through Banking Channels.
TRAFOSS enables, the Transaction Analysis and Financial Optimization Settlement Solutions for the Digital Payment Organizations. We assures the digital transactions have completed the transaction lifecycle within the framework of regulatory compliances.
We assure No Loss for the Issuers and Acquirers on the transactions initiated and re-assure income booked as per the guidelines using TRAFOSS Software Technology Support and services.